Monday, November 17, 2014

 On Thursday, November 13th, we held our end of the year banquet for volleyball. Thanks for a great season ladies!

If you'd like pictures from the banquet, please click here.

Academic Athlete Awards for all teams, GPA above 3.5 for Quarter 1: Marta Bacigalupo Ribera, Jenna Curtis, Dana Danger, Hanna Davis, Kayla Ferguson, Katie Gobel, Carson Johannes, Brena Lock, Summer Marske, Danika McCUmber, Abigail Melton, Paula Peikart, Emma Schoessow, Angel Scribner, Taylor Shutt, Mariah Skogstad, Meagan Vander Heyden
Varsity Coach Smith, Dana Danger, Megan Mesiberger, Kenzie Hanson, Katie Gobel, Sammy Osborn, Meagan Vander Heyden, Alex Grubbs, Emmie Bassett, Kayla Boutwell, Callie Williamson

 Varsity Awards: MVP – Dana Danger, Best Offensive – Jenna Curtis, Best Defensive – Dana Danger, Most Improved – Megan Meisberger, All Conference Honorable Mention – Dana Danger & Katie Gobel

JV Coach Jensen, Emily Peoples, Krissy Zeien, Marta Bacigalupo Ribera, Carson Johannes, Sammy Osborn, Emmie Bassett, Kayla Boutwell, Taylor Shutt, Topanga Peterson

JV Awards: MVP - Kayla Boutwell, Best Offensive – Krissy Zeien, Best Defensive – Marta Bacigalupo Ribera, Most Improved – Emily Peoples


C-team Picture  Coach Lutz, Summer Marske, Hanna Davis, Aspen Mullikin, Madelynn Graham, Angel Scribner, Emma Schoessow, Baileey Peterson, Kristie Topper, Mariah Skogstad
Awards: MVP – Lauren Johnson, Best Offensive – Aspen Mullikin, Best Defensive – Mariah Skogstad, Most Improved – Summer Marske

Friday, November 14, 2014

Wrapping up the end of the year!

We just want to say thank you again to all parents for a great volleyball season. If we haven’t said it enough, we couldn’t do it without you.

We recently decided to enroll in a program called Remind to get information out to you and to your daughters during season. We will no longer be texting them from our phones, but instead using this program. It is a free program. If you would like to sign up and have your daughter sign up please text “@spvb” to 620-603-0093. There is also an app, so if your daughter does not have a phone, she could also sign up through the app. If you would rather receive an invite, please send Coach Smith an email with your cell phone number and we will send the invite out to you. If you have any questions, please let us know.

Also, if you would like to leave any comments or suggestions about the season please click this link and you will be directed to a confidential survey.

Lastly, any girls awarded an academic athlete award are invited to the Monday board meeting at 7:00 pm in the HS choir room. Ms. Schwab will be announcing all fall academic athletes. These players are: Marta, Jenna, Dana, Hanna, Kayla Ferguson, Katie, Carson, Brena, Summer, Danika, Paula, Abby, Emma Schoessow, Angel, Taylor, Mariah, and Meagan V. This will be another night to celebrate with your daughter.

Again, thank you for all you’ve done this season. Remind your daughters to keep working hard in the off season, we look forward to next season already.

Coach Smith, Coach Jensen, Coach Lutz

PS: The weight room and gym is open every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 6:15-7:30 for any student.

Monday, November 10, 2014

Banquet Rescheduled

We will be providing pizza and drinks. Please bring a dessert to share. (Seniors, if you could, please bring a salad to share. We’ll get the dressing) We will be sharing some highlights of the year and presenting awards. It should be a fun time!

Please RSVP back with the NEW number of people in your family that plan to attend, so we can plan for pizza.

Thank you for being flexible!

Coach Smith, Coach Lutz, and Coach Jensen

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Donors Choose - A Match from ESPN

I recently put a project for 50 new volleyballs on a website called Donors Choose. HS players were given information regarding the 40 volleyballs that were already received through Donors Choose at the end of the season. We paid only $500 for $1200 in volleyballs. Donors Choose is a neat way to get additional funding for items through generous donors. If you'd like information about what Donors Choose is click here for the information regarding what it is and here for the information regarding how it works.

The current items on Donors Choose would cost us over $2,000. ESPN has generously matched half of the cost already. We will be working at getting the additional $1,002 through donors around the world. If you are interested in donating, sharing, or just seeing the project, you can see it by visiting: The match from ESPN is only good if the project funds. Sometimes their matching money runs out before a project is funded. We'll be working hard to get it funded before that happens. All donations made through Donors Choose are tax deductible.

You do not need to donate anything. We are simply making you aware of a really neat opportunity!

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

High School Banquet

Just a reminder that the end of year volleyball banquet is on Monday at 6:30 pm at the High School. We will be purchasing pizza and provide lemonade. Please bring a dessert to share. (Seniors, if you could bring lettuce salad, we will provide salad dressing)

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

All Good Things Have to Come To An End

Last night our varsity traveled to Ashland. We started off with not as much energy as we needed, but kept fighting back. We lost game one 12-25. In game two we came out with more fire. We rallied back and forth this game, but still came up a little short. We lost this game 21-25. In game three we simply could not rebound losing game one and two and ended up losing game three 13-25. Although it is always hard to lose, we know that there are a lot of moments this season we can be very proud of. We end the season with a 7-13 record. We want to say thank you to all my players. They have worked hard and made improvements all year. Sometimes it is hard to make changes, but they have made them and grown. To our seniors: Katie, Kenzie, Dana, Megan, and Sammy; you will be missed. Your personalities have each made the team what it is. Thank you for your hard work, your dedication, and your hearts. We look forward to seeing what you are up to in the coming years. Also, to our parents: We thank you for your time and commitment to volleyball. Your daughters couldn't play without your support. Lastly, to our fans: thank you for coming to our games, cheering us on, and motivating you. We truly appreciate the entire TEAM it takes to play volleyball. High School Volleyball will host a banquet on Monday, November 10th at 6:30 pm. Information was given to players. Continue to watch for exciting happenings with volleyball by following our blog at

Pictures from Ashland can be found by clicking here.

The middle school hosted a banquet on Tuesday. Coach Berget and Coach Hanson gave out awards and celebrated with their teams. Pictures can be found by clicking here. A special recognition was given to our academic athletes with all A's this season. Congratulations! Pictured are:

Meaghan Melendez, Camryn Dezek, Jordan Schafter, Grace Olson.

 Monica Plesums, Evie Weiner, Cierra Kirkwood, Samantha Johnson

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Middle School Banquet

The Middle School Volleyball Banquet is set for Tuesday, October 21st at 6:30 pm at the Middle School. Pizza and lemonade will be provided. Please bring a dessert to share.

Varsity will be traveling to Ashland for their first regional game!!!

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Spooner Rails Play From The Heart

If you were at the 2nd round of the Conference Volleyball Tournament on Thursday, you were sure to see some great volleyball. Spooner took on Cumberland first. We came out strong and pumped up. The girls were loud, covering, hitting, serving very well, and all out hustling. It was a great match to watch. We won both games 25-15 and 25-17. 

Next up was Northwestern. We knew this match would be tough, but we were ready. We came out strong in game one and won 25-14. The girls did a phenomenal job digging every hit and getting to every ball. In game two we battled back and forth, but came up just a little behind and lost 22-25. In game through we played hard, but were unable to secure the game. We lost 10-15.

Our last match was against Hayward. Since we last played against Hayward our girls knew that we had the skills to beat Hayward, but simply needed to shine at those skills. Where we have deficits we make up in hustle and heart. We showed that in game one against Hayward. It was a very exciting game. When it reached the end of the game we fought back and forth for every point. We won that game 27-25. Going into game two we were filled with excitement. We had just beat the now seeded #3 team, while we are only seeded #7. In game two we battled again the whole game and in another very close game we came up just a little short 19-25. Game three was a nail bitter. We were more confident this game and it showed. We were able to hit, serve, and dig right with them. Although we lost game three 13-15, I am very proud of how well the girls played as a team. They showed their best and compliments flowed from Hayward and Spooner fans. Thank you to all the parents and fans that came out to cheer. It really does make a difference!

We seeded on Tuesday and ended up getting the #7 seed. Losses early on and some close games pushed us lower than we would have liked to be. Our overall record is 7-12 and our conference record is 4-10. Barron took the #1 seed, Ashland #2, Hayward #3, Rice Lake #4, Northwestern #5, and Amery #6.

We will start regional play against Ashland on Tuesday in Ashland at 7:00 pm. While we know that it is quite a drive from Spooner, we hope fans will come out for this exciting night of volleyball. Our girls have worked hard all season and we're excited to play!

Regional brackets can be found by clicking here.
Back row: Callie Williamson, Kayla Boutwell, Sammy Osborn, Coach Smith, Kenzie Hanson, Jenna Curtis, Emily Beehler
Middle: Katie Gobel, Megan Meisberger
Front row: Carson Johannes, Meagan VanderHeyden, Alex Grubbs, Emmie Bassett
Very front: Dana Danger
More pictures can be found by clicking here.

Monday, October 13, 2014

The Past Week

Last Tuesday our Cteam-Varsity traveled to Hayward for our last regular season match. Our girls knew that tonight would be tough match, but fought and worked hard the entire night. They hustled after every ball. We ended up losing the games 12-25, 18-25, and 17-25. The rest of the week we worked on coverage, hitting, and communication as we prepared for the conference tournament. JV and Cteam lost their match, but we continue to see some great players emerge on those teams.
 On Saturday Varsity traveled back to Hayward for the conference tournament. With two starters gone, we knew this would be  tough day. The girls that replaced the starters really stepped up and did an awesome job. We played Ladysmith first. While we played hard and did well we were unable to win this match. Playing only best of three, rather than best of five, has an effect on us. We lost game one 20-25, won game two 25-22, and lost game three 10-15. Next up was Bloomer. Game one we came out very tired and our attitude was down. We lost that game 9-25. We made a few changes in game two and although we lost 16-25 we saw a change in the attitude and hustle. Next we played a team we had already beat, Chetek. We came out strong and won game one 25-21. In game two we seemed to get too comfortable and ended up losing 20-25. In game three we knew we would need to fight to win and although we worked hard to do this, we ended up losing 6-15. Last we played Barron. Barron is undefeated in the conference, so we knew this would be a very hard match. We tried hard to combat their hits and blocks, but fell short, 3-25 and 8-25. Although we did not win a match on Saturday I am still very proud of how my girls worked in any situation. The adversity they show is amazing. We are now 6-10 overall and 3-8 in the conference. We will play at Hayward on Thursday against Northwestern, Cumberland, and Hayward. Regional play will take start next Tuesday. JV and Cteam travel to Northwestern Tuesday night for a quad.  
Pictures from Varsity Saturday click here.

 Also, on Saturday our 8th grade played in a tournament at St. Joe’s in RiceLake. They took 4th place. I am very proud of all the hard work they have put in this season.

The Next Few Weeks

Middle School

·         Monday, October 13th – PRACTICE @ Elementary SCHOOL – Take Bus #67 & 60

·         Tuesday, October 14th - 7th & 8th grade match at St. Joe’s – normal start times. Game begins at 5:00 pm (LAST GAME) Bus leaves at 4:00 pm

·         October 15th – recap of the year. This will be done at 4:30. Uniforms should be brought back this day. They are due by Friday though and can be turned in to Coach Lutz before school.

·         Tuesday, October 21st – Parent & Player Celebration Night – Pizza and lemonade will be provided. Please bring a dessert to share. 6:30 pm at the Middle School


High School

·         Monday – regular practice for all teams – LOCATION IS CHANGED TO Middle SCHOOL – Ride a bus to the MS or drive

·         Tuesday, October 14th – JV/Cteam to Northwestern. Quad beginning at 5:00 pm – Bus leaves at 3:30 (Varsity regular practice) Girls were given schedules on Monday.

·         Wednesday, October 15th – regular practice for Varsity (Varsity team meal at Tony’s at 5:45 pm) – JV and Cteam will have a recap of the year until 4:30 pm, can stay and have open gym until 5:30 (JV and Cteam jerseys and warm ups can be turned in this night, but are due by Friday, October 17th)

·         Thursday, October 16th – Varsity @ Hayward for 2nd part of conference tournament – play begins at 5:45 – bus leaves at 4:30 (JV and Cteam may attend)

·         Friday, October 17th – regular practice for Varsity (JV and Cteam may have open gym or help varsity)

·         Monday, October 20th - regular practice for Varsity (JV and Cteam may have open gym or help varsity)

·         Tuesday, October 21sth – Regional - TBD


PS: HS Parent & Player Celebration Night – November 10th @ 6:30 pm

Sunday, October 5, 2014

A Big Week In Volleyball

On Thursday we played Bloomer at home for our PINK Night and Senior night. It was a tough loss for our varsity team as we made some critical decisions that lost us the match. We are working out things mentally, emotionally, and physically to take our game to the next level. It is great to see that we can play right along with Bloomer though and I am very proud of all the work the girls have put in so far. We ended up losing these games 14-25, 19-25, and in a really hard fought 26-28. I'd like to thank everyone who came out for our pink nights during MS volleyball, soccer, football, and HS volleyball. The totals aren't in yet, but at least $300 was raised. This money will be donated to the Mayo Cancer Research Program this year. We'd also like to honor our seniors who have put in countless hours playing and learning volleyball. Katie Gobel, Megan Meisberger, Dana Danger, Kenzie Hanson, and Sammy Osborn have been important players on our teams throughout the years. They are wonderful ladies on and off the court. Our JV team and Cteam continue to see great improvements!

Homecoming pictures: click here

Pink night pictures: click here

On Friday we held our Football Tailgate Dinner. 80 volleyball players, parents, and coaches served more than 300 meals. We thank all for coming out to this great event. A HUGE thank you goes to River Street Family Restaurant for preparing all the food and for donating the chicken and rolls. We are grateful for the support from all!

Pictures from Tailgate: click here

Next week we play at Hayward on Tuesday. JV and Cteam at 5:45 and Varsity at 7. Varsity will then travel to Hayward on Saturday, October 11th, for the conference tournament. This was originally to be held at Spooner but was moved due to MS bleachers. Play begins at 9:00 am. We will play Bloomer, Barron, Ladysmith, and Chetek. Come on out and cheer on your Spooner Rails.

On Saturday our 7th grade played in a tournament at St. joesph's in RiceLake against Cumberland, Chetek-Weyerhauser, RLMS, St. Joe's, and St. Anthony. Our 7th grade team took 1st place! We're so proud of how hard they've been working this year! 7th grade is coached by Marley Hanson. 

Thursday, October 2, 2014

PINK night and SENIOR night

Tonight is PINK night! We join with the Bloomer Blackhawks in wearing pink!

JV and C-team play at 5:45

Varsity will play at 7:00

Before the Varsity game we will acknowledge the five seniors: Katie, Megan, Sammy, Dana, and Kenzie.

See you tonight for some great volleyball!

**Soccer also has their pink night tonight**

A portion of both admissions will go to the Mayo Cancer Research Program

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Thursday at Barron

On Thursday we played at Barron. Going into the match we knew we were going to have to play hard, Barron has had a good team for many years, and this year was no different. We knew we each had skills that would help us in the match. We got a little behind in game one, as far as down 13-23, but our team battled back. Although we played hard, we ended up losing 17-25 to Barron. Our passes were a little off in game one and we knew we would need to take better care of the ball in game two. We came out fired up in game two. We knew we had played a good game one, but also knew we could play a better game two. We lead 11-5 when Barron did some fighting back. We continued to hustle and work hard for every play. The girls really showed their confidence in each other. We battled all the way to the end but ended up losing game two, 23-25. Game three was tiring and hard, but still the girls played as a team and hustled after every ball. I love the way the girls have started to play together. We came up short losing game three 16-25. I am extremely proud of how well my girls are playing this season and at how hard they are working each week. We are 6-4 overall and 3-2 in the conference. We have big goals for the rest of the season and I am excited to watch the girls meet these goals. We play Bloomer at home Thursday for our pink night. We hope to see a big crowd out. Our Cteam also travels to Bloomer on Tuesday for a quad and our JV travels to Cumberland for a quad. 

Also, our 7th and 8th grade teams have been busy. This year there are 16, 7th grade girls out and 21, 8th grade girls. We're seeing a lot of growth in these girls. On Thursday was their pink night. $52 was raised in admissions donations and will be donated to the Mayo cancer research program. 

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Another Spooner Victory!

Thank you Parents for your love, support and cheers this season. We also "pumped it up" with our Junior Passers. They bring a lot of excitement to Spooner volleyball!

On Tuesday, September 23rd we took on the Ladysmith Lumberjacks. Ladysmith proved to be a matched competitor. We came out slow in the 1st game with Ladysmith starting off 11-2. Our girls battled back and ended up winning that game 26-24. We seemed to go back and forth in game two, but took the win at 25-23. In game three you could tell we had lost a little momentum. We lost the game 23-25, but not without a lot of fight. We came out slow again in game four, but hit hard, made great blocks, served well and won that game 25-22. I am extremely proud of how my girls are improving in certain areas. We had some extremely smart plays and a lot of really nice hits. We will continue to work on the areas that we need improvement. If you haven't been to a Spooner Volleyball game, now is the time to come watch! Our JV won their match with much intensity. They have made huge gains this year. Our C-team worked hard, but came up short.

We head to Barron on Thursday, September 25th, then our JV heads to Cumberland for a Quad on the 30th, our C-team to Bloomer for a Quad on the 30th, and all our teams will be at home on October 2nd for our Senior and Pink Night!


Added - 8th Grade Tournament

We apologize for not getting you this information sooner!
8th Grade Volleyball Tournament on October 11th!
Bus will leave from Spooner @ 7:40 to be in Rice Lake by 8:10.
 8:30                      15 min. OFF net warm-up: ALL TEAMS
 8:45                      WELCOME, ANNOUNCEMENTS, National Anthem
These are approximate times.
Any round could start earlier or later.  If a team is NOT READY to go when it is their time to play, they WILL FORFEIT that round.
1st team is GUEST -- 2nd team is HOME
ROUND 1 (8:50 AM):  10 min. warm-up ON net before each match
                                    Spooner  vs.  St. Joseph
 ROUND 2 (10:40 AM):  5 min. warm-up ON net before each match 
                                      RLMS  vs.  Spooner
 ROUND 3 (12:30 AM):  5 min. warm-up ON net before each match 
                                      Spooner  vs.  Chetek-Weyerhauser 
 ROUND 4 (2:20 PM):  5 min. warm-up ON net before each match 
                                   Birchwood  vs.  Spooner

ROUND 5 (4:00 PM):  5 min. warm-up ON net before each match 

                                   Cumberland  vs.  Spooner
 6:00                AWARDS PRESENTATION      

Added - 7th Grade Tournament

We apologize for not getting you this information sooner!
7th Grade Volleyball Tournament on October 4th!
Bus will leave from Spooner @ 7:40 to be in Rice Lake by 8:10.
  8:30                      15 min. OFF net warm-up: ALL TEAMS
 8:45                      WELCOME, ANNOUNCEMENTS, National Anthem
 These are approximate times.
Any round could start earlier or later.  If a team is NOT READY to go when it is their time to play, they WILL FORFEIT that round.
1st team is GUEST -- 2nd team is HOME
ROUND 1 (8:50 AM):  10 min. warm-up ON net before each match
                         Chetek-Weyerhauser  vs.  Spooner
 ROUND 2 (10:40 AM):  5 min. warm-up ON net before each match 
                                      Spooner  vs.  St. Joseph

ROUND 3 (12:30 AM):  5 min. warm-up ON net before each match 

                                      Cumberland  vs.  Spooner
 ROUND 4 (2:20 PM):  5 min. warm-up ON net before each match 
                                   Spooner  vs.  St. Anthony

ROUND 5 (4:00 PM):  5 min. warm-up ON net before each match 

                                   Spooner  vs.  RLMS
 5:45                AWARDS PRESENTATION     


Tomorrow night is 7th and 8th Grade Pink Night. Wear your pink to the game and join us in saying "Rails and Warriors Wear Pink!" There will be donation jar for admissions that will be sent to the Rochester cancer research center. Thank you for your support of this great cause!

Photos from Middle School Pink Night: click here

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Parents & Jr. Passer Night

On Tuesday we play at home against Ladysmith. Join us in celebrating Jr. Passers and honoring our parents! Parents & Jr. Passers should arrive by 6:15pm. Jr. Passers will line up by the fitness center and parents will line up in the locker room hallway.

Friday, September 19, 2014

Off to Northwestern

Yesterday we traveled to Northwestern for our third conference match. It was a late night with some hard play. Varsity started off behind, but fought the whole way. On Wednesday in practice Megan Mesiberger went down with a sprained ankle with a slight break. She will now be out most of the season and will be greatly missed. In practice we worked on a few rotations, but we also had a player out sick, which made it even tougher. The chemistry in game one and two was off just a little bit with two players playing positions that they were not completely comfortable in. We ended up losing those games 9-25 and 16-25. In game three we went back to our normal rotation and added in a JV middle, Meagan VanderHeyden. Meagan stepped up nicely and this helped us get into our groove. We were strong and hustling. We had great blocks, nice serves, and hard hits. We won this game 25-16. We tried to use this momentum in game four, but were a little tired. We continued to hustle and fought back and forth with Northwestern though. We just about took the game, but ended up losing 21-25. Although we lost this match I was very proud of how the girls played and changed with each situation. We have two nights of practice before Tuesday’s game and we will be ready with our new rotation. Our C-team and JV lost their matches, but we are seeing some great leaders emerge.

On Tuesday we play at home against Ladysmith. It is Parents night and Jr. Passers night so we hope to see everyone out for a great night of volleyball. We invite all fans to come out and cheer on our girls.

JV & Cteam Pictures from Northwestern

Varsity Pictures from Northwestern

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Lots In The News

We've been in the news a lot lately. Be sure to check the Spooner Advocate and Washburn Register out!

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Another Spooner Win

Last night Spooner volleyball had three exciting matches. JV and Cteam started it off with JV taking a win against Cumberland, 26-24 (S), 20-25, 15-11 (S) and Cteam taking a win against Cumberland 23-25, 25-20 (S), 15-13 (S). We are very proud of how much they’ve improved in our month of practices.

Varsity was up next and we came off with a bang. Our girls were pumped up and ready to play. The smiles and excitement in their faces could be seen on the court. We won the first game 25-22. In the 2nd game we came off strong. Our serving was on and so were our hits. We won that game 25-14. In the 3rd game we lost a little of our energy, but fought back and forth with Cumberland. We ended up losing that game 21-25. In the 4th game we came out strong and rallied our energy. Playing long games is tiring on a player and our girls fought through that. We won this game 25-16 to beat Cumberland in the match. This is our 2nd conference win of the season and our team couldn’t be more excited. You could hear the girls after the game remarking that they were excited that all three teams took home a win. As a coach I love that the girls care about each other and are proud to be one whole high school team. Varsity is 2-0 in conference play and 5-2 overall. We want to say thank you to all the community members, family members, friends, and high school students who came out to cheer us on last night. Your support is great and it’s what keeps Spooner sports alive. We always play better with a crowd too. Also a thank you goes out to the select choir led by Destiny Schultz that sang our national anthem to start the Varsity match.
We play Thursday at Northwestern. Our JV also travels to Shell Lake on Saturday for the Shell Lake tournament. All three teams will play at home next Tuesday for parents and Jr. Passer night against Ladysmith.

JV and Cteam Pictures

Varsity Pictures

Click for invitation for parents to High School Parent's Night. RSVP needs to be turned in by Friday. These were given to players at practice.

Chicken Dinner Coming Soon

Tickets are for sale for our upcoming chicken dinner. Find any volleyball player to purchase!

Middle School Volleyball

Middle School volleyball has been busy and working hard.

8th grade info:

Us - Bloomer
9-25, 10-25, 14-25, 16-25

Us- Cumberland
19-25, 25-11, 23-25

Us - Barron
22-25, 19-25, 19-25, 25-12

7th grade info:

Coming soon

Monday, September 15, 2014

A Great Night of Volleyball

We hope to see you all out for our 1st home match against Cumberland! JV and Cteam play at 5:45 and Varsity plays at 7:00 pm. It's going to be a great night of volleyball!

Concessions Stand

It turns out that the group that normally does concessions stands during our home games is not doing them this year. Would you be willing to help us out? Please email or call me. 715-635-2174 ext. 1224 &

Tuesday, September 16th
4:30 - 6:45
6:45 - 9:00 (or end of varsity match)

Tuesday, September 23rd
4:30 - 6:15
(closed from 6:15 - 6:45 unless I can find a non-parent volunteer)
6:45-9:00 (or end of varsity match)

Thursday, October 2nd
4:30 - 6:45
6:45 - 9:00 (or end of varsity match)

Sunday, September 14, 2014


Our Cteam, JV and varsity played at Chetek this past Thursday. Our varsity took home a win, 3-0, with scores of 25-18, 25-16, and 25-17. Our girls came out strong and pumped up. We hustled for everything and played our heart out. Our hits were on, along with our serves. I was very proud of our girls and very excited to win our 1st conference match of the season.

Pictures from Chetek

Our Cteam and JV didn't win their matches but we did have some positives and will get better each game.

On Saturday our Cteam traveled to Shell Lake for a tournament. This year we have 16 girls on Cteam so our team was split evenly into two teams. They are showing growth and getting to know how to play together. Our two teams placed third and fourth out of six teams.

Pictures from Shell Lake

We also held our 1st of three Jr. passer clinics. Girls grades 3rd-8th attend a clinic put on by our high school teams. We have over 50 girls signed up. These clinics will take place the next two Saturdays. Jr. passer and Parents Night will take place on September 23.

Look out for our 7th-12th grade players who are selling tickets to our tailgate chicken dinner, which will take place before football's homecoming on Friday, October 3rd against Barron. Tickets are $9 for adults and $5 for children. The menu includes chicken, mashed potatoes, coleslaw, a dinner roll, and desert from Riverstreet Family Restaurant in Spooner. Money from this will go towards purchasing new equipment and a college game visit next fall.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

7th and 8th Grade Tonight

7th Grade will play at 5:00 pm and 8th Grade will play at 6:30 pm TONIGHT at home. The games will be played at the high school.

Monday, September 8, 2014

College Volleyball Game Trip to Concordia vs Wheeling Jesuit

61 girls traveled on two busses to Concordia on Saturday, September 6th. It was a great day for bonding and a chance to watch a college volleyball game.

Pictures of Concordia Game

After the game the players signed volleyballs and t-shirts.

Added Games - this Tuesday and October

  • Cteam and JV will travel to Shell Lake on Tuesday for an added match.
    • Cteam - Team Black will play at 4:30pm and JV will play at 6:00 pm

  • On Saturday, October 4th our 7th grade team will travel to RiceLake for a tournament. Games will start at 8:30am

  • On Saturday, October 11th our 8th grade team will travel to Rice Lake for a tournament. Games will start at 8:30 am

Tuesday, September 2nd at Amery

Our first nightly match took place on September 2nd at Amery. It was a trying day being the first day of school. Our girls played hard, but were unable to take home any wins. Varsity scores were 27-25, 25-21, and 25-20. We are looking forward to our first conference match on Thursday, September 11th at Chetek.

Pictures from Amery - JV and Varsity

Spooner Invitational Photos

Spooner Invitational Photos

In the Washburn Register

In the Spooner Advocate

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Spooner Rails Play From The Heart

An anonymous buddy donated water bottles to the entire Varsity squad. We want to send a big THANK YOU out to whoever that person is. We appreciate you!

Ice Bucket Challenge

The volleyball team was nominated by the golf team to take park in the ALS ice bucket challenge. We nominated the Spooner football, cross country, and soccer team.


Junior Passers

Jr. Passers starts this Saturday. 3rd -5th grade is from 8-9am, 6th-8th grade is from 9-11am at the High school. Registration was due on Friday, but can be emailed to Coach Smith at or dropped off at the ES office as soon as possible. As of right now 53 girls 3rd-8th grade are signed up.

Friday, September 5, 2014

Tomorrow - Concordia College Game

Tomorrow we will head to Concordia to Watch the College Game

If you had originally said you were going, but are not going, please let us know asap.

We are looking for 5-10 adults to chaperone the trip with us. If you are available, please contact Coach Smith at

We will leave at 8:30 am sharp from the high school, stop for lunch, watch the game at noon, meet the players after the game, and head home. We should arrive back between 4:30 and 5:30.

It should be an exciting day!

Sunday, August 31, 2014

Volleyball apparel

Volleyball apparel is for sale until September 16th. You may purchase at the home game on September 16th or by mailing your name, phone number, size, and item to Spooner Volleyball, attn: Melissa Smith, 801 County Highway A, Spooner, Wisconsin, 54801. All items will be in before September 22nd and you will be notified where items can be picked up. Thank you for wearing your gear in support of Spooner Volleyball. Our pink night will be on October 2nd.

**Names can be printed on the back for a charge of $5
**Sizes 2xl and up are an additional charge of $2.50

Varsity Spooner Invitational

Saturday. August 30th we hosted a Varsity Invitational. Our girls played with a lot of heart and fought hard all day! We saw some great volleyball! We took 2nd place. A huge thank you to our 7th-JV players and parents that helped in the concessions stand and were line judges. We made close to $400 to use towards our college game trip. Photos and video coming soon.

Team photos

Last Saturday we traveled to Amery for a scrimmage. Larry Sampson from the Washburn Register came to watch! He snapped these pictures for us! More photos can find on previous posts.

Dana Danger, Kenzie Hanson, Alex Grubbs, Callie Williamson, Sammy Osborn, Katie Gobel, Kallie Thompson, Emily Beehler, Jenna Curtis, Megan Meisberger, Coach Smith

Coach Jensen, Danika McCumber, Abby Melton, Kelsie Gerovac, Kayla Boutwell, Krissy Zeien, Meagan VanderHeyden, front row: Emily Peoples, Chloe Englund, Topanga Peterson, Taylor Shutt, Emmie Bassett, Carson Johannes

Friday, August 29, 2014

Saturday, August 30th

Tomorrow we host the Spooner Invitational. Here is the schedule of the day:

Get ready for some exciting volleyball. Concessions will be available. All money for concessions benefits Spooner Volleyball!

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Parent Volunteers Needed!

Below are placements of parent volunteers for this year's volleyball fundraisers and team meals.  
 Some parents offered to help on certain days/times that didn't need that many. (So, thank you!) You'll notice that 
most need more help. If you are able to fill a spot, please email me at
Fundraisers are the only way we are able to get new balls, go on college trips, get new nets, pay for warm ups, etc.
We believe that concession stands and our tailgate dinner are easier than selling items such as wrapping paper, etc. 
August 30th - Concession stand Tailgate Dinner - October 3rd Team Meals - Help Set up 
8-11am 3:45-5:45 Cteam
1. Trisha Saletri Jeni Skogstad Christy Davis
2. Jennifer Johannes Kate Melton Amanda Sunderland
3 Kristina Jeri Walker Gwen Schoessow
4 Marley Tina Causey Amy Johnson
5 Steve Olsen
  Sara Leroy JV
11-2pm Jena Hammersberg 1
1. Cheryl Topper Deb Kielkucki 2
2. Kristina (until 12)   3
3. Marley 5:45-7:30 4
4 Jill Kastner
5 Kelly Curtis Varsity
  Leanne  Shutt Patty Gobel
2-5pm Misty Graham 2
1. Kim Bassett Beth Balser 3
2 Leah Leinweber BJ Wilson 4
3 Shannon Kirkwood
4 8
October 11th - Concessions at Tournament
Cumberland Home Game - Sell apparel HS Gym MS Gym
September 16th  8-11am 8-11am
5:15-5:45 1 Natalie Romportl 1 Kristina
1. Jody Graber 2 Ann Peterson 2 Marley
2. Michelle Boutwell 3 Darci Chido 3
  4 4
5:45-7 5 5
1. Sandra Cahill    
2 11-2pm 11-2pm
1 Deanna Seifert 1 Kristina
2 Shelley Peoples 2 Marley
3 Penny Melendez 3
4 4
5 5
2-5pm 2-5pm
1 Christy Davis 1 Kristina
2 Beth Balser 2 Marley
3 3
4 4
5 5