We recently decided to enroll in a program called Remind to get information out to you and to your daughters during season. We will no longer be texting them from our phones, but instead using this program. It is a free program. If you would like to sign up and have your daughter sign up please text “@spvb” to 620-603-0093. There is also an app, so if your daughter does not have a phone, she could also sign up through the app. If you would rather receive an invite, please send Coach Smith an email with your cell phone number and we will send the invite out to you. If you have any questions, please let us know.
Also, if you would like to leave
any comments or suggestions about the season please click this link and you
will be directed to a confidential survey. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1mMq9g6BpGY_y1E17Wo2e4t4I7u8nWUOtmhuBrESpu2c/viewform?usp=send_form
Lastly, any girls awarded an
academic athlete award are invited to the Monday board meeting at 7:00 pm in
the HS choir room. Ms. Schwab will be announcing all fall academic athletes.
These players are: Marta, Jenna, Dana, Hanna, Kayla Ferguson, Katie, Carson,
Brena, Summer, Danika, Paula, Abby, Emma Schoessow, Angel, Taylor, Mariah, and
Meagan V. This will be another night to celebrate with your daughter.
Again, thank you for all you’ve
done this season. Remind your daughters to keep working hard in the off season,
we look forward to next season already.
Coach Smith, Coach Jensen, Coach
PS: The weight room and gym is
open every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 6:15-7:30 for any student.