Monday, November 17, 2014

 On Thursday, November 13th, we held our end of the year banquet for volleyball. Thanks for a great season ladies!

If you'd like pictures from the banquet, please click here.

Academic Athlete Awards for all teams, GPA above 3.5 for Quarter 1: Marta Bacigalupo Ribera, Jenna Curtis, Dana Danger, Hanna Davis, Kayla Ferguson, Katie Gobel, Carson Johannes, Brena Lock, Summer Marske, Danika McCUmber, Abigail Melton, Paula Peikart, Emma Schoessow, Angel Scribner, Taylor Shutt, Mariah Skogstad, Meagan Vander Heyden
Varsity Coach Smith, Dana Danger, Megan Mesiberger, Kenzie Hanson, Katie Gobel, Sammy Osborn, Meagan Vander Heyden, Alex Grubbs, Emmie Bassett, Kayla Boutwell, Callie Williamson

 Varsity Awards: MVP – Dana Danger, Best Offensive – Jenna Curtis, Best Defensive – Dana Danger, Most Improved – Megan Meisberger, All Conference Honorable Mention – Dana Danger & Katie Gobel

JV Coach Jensen, Emily Peoples, Krissy Zeien, Marta Bacigalupo Ribera, Carson Johannes, Sammy Osborn, Emmie Bassett, Kayla Boutwell, Taylor Shutt, Topanga Peterson

JV Awards: MVP - Kayla Boutwell, Best Offensive – Krissy Zeien, Best Defensive – Marta Bacigalupo Ribera, Most Improved – Emily Peoples


C-team Picture  Coach Lutz, Summer Marske, Hanna Davis, Aspen Mullikin, Madelynn Graham, Angel Scribner, Emma Schoessow, Baileey Peterson, Kristie Topper, Mariah Skogstad
Awards: MVP – Lauren Johnson, Best Offensive – Aspen Mullikin, Best Defensive – Mariah Skogstad, Most Improved – Summer Marske

Friday, November 14, 2014

Wrapping up the end of the year!

We just want to say thank you again to all parents for a great volleyball season. If we haven’t said it enough, we couldn’t do it without you.

We recently decided to enroll in a program called Remind to get information out to you and to your daughters during season. We will no longer be texting them from our phones, but instead using this program. It is a free program. If you would like to sign up and have your daughter sign up please text “@spvb” to 620-603-0093. There is also an app, so if your daughter does not have a phone, she could also sign up through the app. If you would rather receive an invite, please send Coach Smith an email with your cell phone number and we will send the invite out to you. If you have any questions, please let us know.

Also, if you would like to leave any comments or suggestions about the season please click this link and you will be directed to a confidential survey.

Lastly, any girls awarded an academic athlete award are invited to the Monday board meeting at 7:00 pm in the HS choir room. Ms. Schwab will be announcing all fall academic athletes. These players are: Marta, Jenna, Dana, Hanna, Kayla Ferguson, Katie, Carson, Brena, Summer, Danika, Paula, Abby, Emma Schoessow, Angel, Taylor, Mariah, and Meagan V. This will be another night to celebrate with your daughter.

Again, thank you for all you’ve done this season. Remind your daughters to keep working hard in the off season, we look forward to next season already.

Coach Smith, Coach Jensen, Coach Lutz

PS: The weight room and gym is open every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 6:15-7:30 for any student.

Monday, November 10, 2014

Banquet Rescheduled

We will be providing pizza and drinks. Please bring a dessert to share. (Seniors, if you could, please bring a salad to share. We’ll get the dressing) We will be sharing some highlights of the year and presenting awards. It should be a fun time!

Please RSVP back with the NEW number of people in your family that plan to attend, so we can plan for pizza.

Thank you for being flexible!

Coach Smith, Coach Lutz, and Coach Jensen

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Donors Choose - A Match from ESPN

I recently put a project for 50 new volleyballs on a website called Donors Choose. HS players were given information regarding the 40 volleyballs that were already received through Donors Choose at the end of the season. We paid only $500 for $1200 in volleyballs. Donors Choose is a neat way to get additional funding for items through generous donors. If you'd like information about what Donors Choose is click here for the information regarding what it is and here for the information regarding how it works.

The current items on Donors Choose would cost us over $2,000. ESPN has generously matched half of the cost already. We will be working at getting the additional $1,002 through donors around the world. If you are interested in donating, sharing, or just seeing the project, you can see it by visiting: The match from ESPN is only good if the project funds. Sometimes their matching money runs out before a project is funded. We'll be working hard to get it funded before that happens. All donations made through Donors Choose are tax deductible.

You do not need to donate anything. We are simply making you aware of a really neat opportunity!

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

High School Banquet

Just a reminder that the end of year volleyball banquet is on Monday at 6:30 pm at the High School. We will be purchasing pizza and provide lemonade. Please bring a dessert to share. (Seniors, if you could bring lettuce salad, we will provide salad dressing)